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Soluble Boron. Contains Boron 20%

Boron containing Micronutrient

  • 100g
  • 250g
  • 500g
  • 1kg
  • 5 kg
Crop Available Pack Size Dose g/acre Time Of Application Remarks
Apple 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1g per litre of water; spray volume 1000 litres per acre Pink Bud stage & Post harvest stage Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Bengal Gram 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per liter of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40-50 days after sowing (Flowering stage) Can be mixed with any pesticide
Gourd 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.0g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 35- 40 days after sowing/planting
(Early flowering stage)
Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Brinjal 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per liter of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40 – 45 days after transplanting (Early flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor during each spray.
Cabbage 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 DAT Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Capsicum 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per liter of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40 – 45 days after transplanting (Early flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor during each spray.
Cauliflower 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 DAT Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Cotton 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water 45-50 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Ground Nut 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40-45 days after sowing Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Litchi 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1g per litre of water At early fruit development stage Can be mixed with any pesticide
Mango 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1g per litre of water At early fruit development stage Can be mixed with any pesticide
Musk Melon 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 45 – 50 days after sowing Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Opium 100g, 250g & 1kg Soil application: 2kg/acre One month after sowing (Final thinning) Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Peas 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water 35 – 40 days after sowing (Flowering stage) Can be mixed with any pesticide
Potato 100g, 250g & 1kg Folair application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 65 – 70 days after planting
Red Gram 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 60 – 65 days after sowing (Flowering initiation stage) To be co-applied with TATA Bahaar. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Soybean 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40-50 days after sowing (Flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Tomato 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water;  spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40 – 45 days after transplanting (Early flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor during each spray.
Watermelon 100g, 250g & 1kg Foliar application: 1.25 g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 45 – 50 days after sowing Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Black Gram 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.25 g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40-50 days after sowing (Flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Ginger 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.0g/litre; spray volume – 400 to 600 litres per acre 101 to 130 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Turmeric 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.0g/litre; spray volume – 400 to 600 litres per acre 101 to 130 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Garlic 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.0g/litre; spray volume – 80 to 100 litres/acre 30 – 35 days after transplanting Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Onion 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.0g/litre; spray volume – 80 to 100 litres/acre 30 – 35 days after transplanting Use either Solubor or Flowbor for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Maize 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per litre of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 45 -50 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Chilly 100g, 250g, 1kg Foliar application: 1.25g per liter of water; spray volume – 200 litres per acre 40 – 45 days after transplanting (Early flowering stage) Use either Solubor or Flowbor during each spray.

100g, 250g, 500g, 1kg, 5 kg


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