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This has FSR Technology, which enables faster release of Sulphur, delivering quick and long-lasting benefits, while increasing oil content in oilseeds and protein in pulses.

  • 5 Kg x 2 Qty
  • 10 Kg x 1 Qty
  • 5 Kg x 4 Qty
  • 10 Kg x 2 Qty


  • Maximum percentage (90%) of Sulphur in elemental form, with 10% Bentonite clay.
  • Wider spread of Sulphur particles in soil ensures that the root zone gets Sulphur and results in better uptake.
  • Faster soil pH correction improves the availability of other nutrients to the crop from an early stage.
  • The release rate of Sulphate (SO ₄) in soil by Sulphamax matched the requirment of crop.


  • Facilitates faster oxidation and faster availability of Sulphur to the crop.
  • Fulfills the Sulphur requirement of the crop right from its initial stage.
  • Improves chlorophyll content.
  • Increases oil content in oilseeds and protein in pulses & other crops.
  • Helps in developing pest, disease and moisture stress resistance.
  • Improves quantity and quality of yield.

Dosage & Application

10 Kg during land preparation and first fertiliser application. Dosage may vary based on crop type.


5 Kg x 2 Qty, 10 Kg x 1 Qty, 5 Kg x 4 Qty, 10 Kg x 2 Qty


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