A systemic fungicide that is effective against diseases such as blister blight in tea, karnal bunt, leaf spot, rust in groundnut and wheat and sheath bligh
Special Features
- A protectant, curative and eradicant triazole fungicide with strong antisporulant action.
- Highly effective in controlling deadly diseases like rusts, bunts, blights and leaf spots infecting many crops.
- Long duration of control.
Apply immediately when first symptoms of disease are noticed. Although spray interval depends on severity of the disease. Repeat spray at an interval of 14 days if infection is severe or after 21 days in case of moderate infection.
It is compatible with commonly used pesticides. It is not compatible with lime sulphur and Bordeaux mixture or alkaline solutions.
Phytotoxicity has not been reported, when used as recommended.
Available Packs
100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml and 1 liter
Since the use of the product is beyond our control, we do not assume any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product.
t in rice.
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