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Technical Name Cartap Hydrochloride 4% GR
Mode of Action Contact, Systemic and Stomach
Packs available 1000 gm & 5000 gm
Description Cartap GR is an insecticide of Nereistoxin analogue group, which gives effective control on insects pests through its contact, systemic and stomach poison action. It is safe for environment and is also suitable for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) system. It is a persistent insecticide and controls the insect pests for a longer period.
Features & Benefits
  • Cartap GR controls all stages of insects ( egg, larva, adult)
  • Cartap GR gives complete protection via systemic, contact and translaminar action
  • Cartap GR breaks the insect resistance and gives excellent resistance management ( IRM)
  • Cartap GR is safe for beneficial insect, thus useful for IPM
  • Cartap GR is compatible with commonly used insecticide and fungicide
  • Cartap GR leads to higher yield and high income
  • 5*5 Kg (Bag)
  • 25*1 Kg (Bag)

Caldan 4G (Cartap Hydrochloride 4% G) is an insecticide of Nereistoxin analog group, which gives effective control on insects pests through its contact, systemic and stomach poison action.

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