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Ralligold Gr

Ralligold Gr


One product with many benefits

Mycorrhizal Bio Fertiliser

Crop Available Pack Size Dose g/acre Time Of Application Remarks
Brinjal 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4kg per acre Apply Ralligold GR just before transplanting Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Cauliflower 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar 4 kg per acre Soil application  Final land preparation Along with Geogreen/Organic manure
Chilly 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Apply Ralligold GR just before transplanting Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Cotton 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Within 20 – 25 DAS with first fertiliser application Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Cumin 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Garlic 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre With basal fertiliser application Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Ginger 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 8 to 10 kg per acre At the time planting, after mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation; mix well with soil and irrigate. In case conventional method of irrigation, use Ralligold GR; In case of drip irrigation, use  Ralligold SP.
Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Ground Nut 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Puch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Litchi 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application:
0 to 5 years – 50 g/plant
Above 5 years – 100 g/plant
After harvest Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Maize 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Mango 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application:
0 to 5 years – 200 g/tree
Above  5 years – 400 g/tree
After harvest To be co-applied with Geogreen/Organic manure
Mentha 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Musk Melon 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Final land preparation Along with Geogreen/Organic manure
Onion 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil Application: 4 kg per acre With basal fertiliser application Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Opium 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar  Soil application: 16 kg per acre One month after sowing (Final thinning) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Paddy 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre For transplanted: 10 – 15 days after transplanting
For Wet DSR: 20-25 days after sowing
For Dry DSR: 20-25 days after sowing
Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Potato 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre During final land preparation Along with Geogreen/Organic manure
Soybean 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Sugarcane 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 8 kg per acre 1st application – after mixing with Geogreen, apply during final land preparation
2nd application: 75 days after planting
Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Tomato 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Apply Ralligold GR just before transplanting Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Turmeric 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 8 to 10 kg per acre At the time planting, after mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation; mix well with soil and irrigate. In case conventional method of irrigation, use Ralligold GR; In case of drip irrigation, use  Ralligold SP.
Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Watermelon 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Final land preparation Along with GeoGreen/Organic manure
Wheat 1 Kg Pouch, 4 Kg Pouch & 4 Kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing) Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Apple 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 100 g per tree Feb. /March
Black Gram 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing)
Bengal Gram 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing)
Peas 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre After mixing with manure/ organic fertilisers during final land preparation (at the time of sowing)
Capsicum 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Apply Ralligold GR just before transplanting Can be mixed with any insecticide or fertiliser
Cabbage 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg/acre  Final land preparation Along with Geogreen/Organic manure
Gourd 1 kg Pouch, 4 kg Pouch, 4 kg Jar Soil application: 4 kg per acre Final la
  • 1 Kg x 16 (CB)
  • 4 Kg Jar
  • 4 Kg pouch
  • 8 Kg Bucket
  • 16 Kg Drum

humic acids, VAM
Mycorrhizal Bio Fertilizer
unique mixture of mycorrhiza blended with optimum quantity of growing substrate consisting of humic, naturally derived phytocom pounds and amino acid in a granular formulation designed for overall root and plant growth.


1 Kg x 16 (CB), 4 Kg Jar, 4 Kg pouch, 8 Kg Bucket, 16 Kg Drum


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