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Tata Surplus Plant Nutrient 200Ml

Tata Surplus Plant Nutrient 200Ml


Promoting Plant Metabolism and FunctionBy providing the required micronutrients, it enhances enzyme activity, chlorophyll synthesis, and energy production within the plants. This results in improved nutrient assimilation, enhanced stress tolerance, and better overall plant vitality.

Crop Available Pack Size Dose g/acre Time Of Application Remarks Pruning Cycle Crop Stage
Brinjal 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water; spray volume 200 litres per acre  25-30 days after transplanting (early vegetative stage) Either Surplus or Tracel to be sprayed during each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Capsicum 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water; spray volume 200 litres per acre  25-30 days after transplanting (early vegetative stage) Either Surplus or Tracel to be sprayed during each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Chilly 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water; spray volume 200 litres per acre  25-30 days after transplanting (early vegetative stage) Either Surplus or Tracel to be sprayed during each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Cotton 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-40 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Ginger 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar applilcation: 2ml/litre; spray volume – 400 to 600 litres per acre 1st spray – 71 to 100 days after sowing; 2nd spray -131 to 160 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Grapes 200ml, 400ml, 1lt 1 L per acre 29 to 35 (5th week) Fertigation Bud burst to Bloom Fruit Pruning Bud burst to Bloom (up to 6 weeks after pruning )
Ground Nut 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-30 days after sowing Either Surplus OR Tracel should be used for each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Mango 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water 2 sprays: 1st spray at Inflorescence to early bloom stage; 2nd spray at Flowering to Fruit formation stage (Pea stage) Can be mixed with any pesticide
Onion 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume –80 to 100 litres per acre 25-30 days after transplanting Use either Surplus or Tracel for each spray.
Paddy 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre For transplanted: 25-30 days after transplanting & 45 – 50 days after transplanting
For Wet DSR: 40-50 days after sowing (at Peak tillering stage)
For Dry DSR : 45-55 days after sowing (at Peak tillering stage)
Either use Surplus or Tracel for each spray.
Potato 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Folair application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 35 – 45 days after planting Either use Surplus OR Tracel during each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Soybean 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-30 days after sowing (vegetative stage)
Tomato 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water; spray volume 200 litres per acre  25-30 days after transplanting (early vegetative stage) Either Surplus or Tracel to be sprayed during each spray. Can be mixed with any pesticide
Turmeric 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar applilcation: 2ml/litre; spray volume – 400 to 600 litres per acre 1st spray – 71 to 100 days after sowing; 2nd spray -131 to 160 days after sowing Can be mixed with any pesticide
Apple 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar Application: 2ml per litre of water; spray volume 1000 litres per acre At Petal fall stage
Black Gram 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-30 days after sowing (vegetative stage)
Bengal Gram 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per liter of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-30 days after sowing (vegetative stage)
Cumin 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30-35 days after sowing Either Surplus or Tracel to be used for each spray
Mentha 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30-35 days after sowing
Garlic 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume –80 to 100 litres per acre 25-30 days after transplanting Use either Surplus or Tracel for each spray.
Opium 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per liter of water, spray volume – 180 litres per acre 65 days after sowing (Boll formation); 2nd spray – 80 days after sowing
Peas 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per liter of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25-30 days after sowing (early vegetative stage)
Wheat 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30-35 days after sowing Use either suprlus or Tracel during each spray.
Cauliflower 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 days after transplanting (DAT)
Cabbage 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 days after transplanting (DAT)
Green Gram 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 days after sowing
Litchi 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water 2 sprays: 1st spray at Inflorescence to early bloom stage; 2nd spray at flowering to fruit formation stage
Maize 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30 – 35 days after sowing
Watermelon 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30 – 35 days after sowing
Musk Melon 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30 – 35 days after sowing
Gourd 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 25 – 30 days after transplanting (early vegetative stage) Use either surplus or Tracel for each spray.
Sugarcane 200ml, 400ml, 1lt Foliar application: 2ml per litre of water, spray volume – 200 litres per acre 30 to 60days after sowing
Grapes 200ml, 400ml, 1lt 1L per acre 57 to 63 (9th week) Fruit Pruning Bloom shatter/ Berry set and Early Berry growth (7th to 10th week after pruning)


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