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Tata Tafgor Dimethoate

Tata Tafgor Dimethoate


It is a broad spectrum organophosphate insecticide having systemic, contact and stomach mode of action. Dimethoate is a acetylcholinesterase inhibitor affecting the central and peripheral nervous system producing depression. It delivers powerful protection against key piercing, sucking and chewing including caterpiller pests. It also has miticidal activity. It is highly compatible and having synergistic effect with other insecticides.

  • 100 ml
  • 250 ml
  • 500 ml
  • 1 lt
  • 5 lt
  • 20lt


Brand names Tafgor
Formulations Dimethoate 30% EC (Tafgor)
Target Crops Maize, Mustard, Onion, Mango, Safflower, Potato and Rose
Target Pests Stem borer, shoot fly, leaf minor, aphids, sawfly, hoppers, thrips & scale
Technical Formulation
Packing Type Aluminium bottles, Mild Steel drums
Capacity 100ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1L, 20L & 50L, 200 L

100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 lt, 5 lt, 20lt


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